Global Bilgi RPA (EN)




Collection Add Columns

Using the Collection Add Columns activity, you can add a new column or columns to variables of type Collection.

To add more than one column, the sign “;” is required to be used between the values entered in the “Column Names” line.

Note: With this activity, you can add a column to a Collection with a value. You can use the ‘Collection Add Row’ activity to add a column to an empty Collection.

Collection Add Row

The Collection Add Row activity is used to add rows to the created Collection type variables. If no record has been entered into the variable before, the “Input Collection” line in the activity should be left blank.

  • If there is at least one record in the variable, the name of the relevant variable should be written in the “Input Collection” line.
  • Existing column names, if any, and column names to be created should be written in the “Columns” line.
  • Data must be entered in the “Values” line according to the order in the “Columns” line. This line is not a mandatory field.
  • On the “Outputs” tab, the relevant Collection type variable must be selected.

Collection Column Copy

Using the Collection Column Copy activity, you can copy the desired columns of the Collection type variables and transfer them to a different Collection type variable.

Collection Column Sort

Using the Collection Column Sort activity, you can sort the desired columns of the Variables of the Collection type in ascending or descending order.

In the “Sort By Column” row, the name of the column requested to be sorted should be written. In cases where it is desired to sort more than one column, it is necessary to enter “;” between the column names.

If a descending sort is desired, the “Sort Descending” option should be checked.

Collection Column Type Change

Using the Collection Column Type Change activity, you can change the character type of columns within variables of type Collection.

When sorting in variables of the Collection type, in some cases the desired result may not be obtained if the character types of the columns are not correct. With this activity, you can change the character types of the columns to be sorted.

You can find character types and descriptions in the table below:

table, th, td {padding: 10px;border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}

Collection Filter

Using the Collection Filter activity, you can filter on the desired columns of the Variables of the Collection type.

To filter on multiple columns, it is necessary to use “;” between the values entered in the “Column Name” and “Column Value” rows.

If filtering is to be done for a single column, the “And/Or” line should be left blank.

Collection Find Value

Using the Collection Find Value activity, you can search for a value in a column while performing operations on the collection and transfer information about the location of that value to a different variable through output. As the output of the activity, the Cell Addresses output contains the Column and Row Number columns. If you want to use the location information you receive in the scenario, you can use it in the following format:

Example: ßVariable 1| Row Number|0ß

Note: If you want to search for the value you have written in the Search Value line in more than one column, there should be a semicolon (;) between the column names you will write in the Column Names line.

Example: “Currency Code; Currency Type”

With the Collection Find Value activity, you can search for a value in the column while operating on the collection and transfer the information about the location of this value to a different variable via output. As the output of the activity, there are Column and Row Number columns in the Cell Addresses output. If you want to use the location information you receive in the scenario, you can use it in the format below:

Example: ßVariable 1| Row Number|0ß

Note: If you want to search for the value you entered in the Search Value line in more than one column, there should be a semicolon (;) between the column names you will write in the Column Names line.

Example: “Currency Code; Currency Type”

Collection Get Value

Using the Collection Get Value activity, you can assign the number of columns and rows in variables of the Collection type to a different variable.

Collection Remove Row

Using the Collection Remove Row activity, you can delete the rows you have added to the variables of the Collection type created.

In the Input Collection line of the activity, write the name of the variable you created in collection type, the index number of the line you want to delete in the Remove Index field, and the relevant collection type variable should be selected on the outputs tab.

Collection To Html Table

Using the Collection To Html Table activity, you can convert your tables from Collection format to HTML table by using Font Size, Cell Padding, Cell Spacing, Border Size parameters, and you can use your tables converted to HTML format in different fields (mail etc.) as per your flow.

Font Size: Using this parameter, you can determine the size of your html table. For example, you can use data such as medium, xx-small, x-small, small, large, x-large, xx-large, smaller, larger, length, initial, inherit, 15px, and 150%.

Cell Padding: You can specify the amount of space between the border and the contents of cells.

Cell Spacing: You can specify the spacing in pixels between cells.

Border Size: You can use it to add borders around objects.

Collection Look Up Value

Using the Collection Look Up Value activity, you can perform the Vlookup operation between variables of the Collection type. The new output after the operation should be transferred to a variable of type Collection.

Collection Remove Columns

Using the Collection Remove Columns activity, you can delete the desired columns of the Variables of type Collection.

To delete more than one column, it is necessary to use the sign “;” between the values entered in the “Column Names” row.

Thanks to the “Deleted Collection” line in the “Outputs” tab, you can move the deleted columns to a different Collection type table.

Collection Remove Duplicate Rows

Using the Collection Remove Duplicate Rows activity, you can delete the duplicate records in the desired columns of the Variables of the Collection type.

If it is desired to delete duplicate records by only looking at the desired column, this column name should be written in the “Duplicate Column” line. In cases where more than one column name is required, the sign “;” must be entered between the column names.

If the “All Columns Duplicate” option is checked, row deletion is performed by looking at the duplicate records in all columns.

Date Diff

Using the Date Diff activity, you can get the difference between two dates in years, months, days, hours and minutes and transfer them to a variable.

Decrement Variable

The Decrement Variable activity is used to decrease the number in the specified variable according to the value entered. We specify the name of the relevant variable in the Input line and the Decrement Value line that the number in the variable will decrease gradually. For example, if you want the number in the variable to decrease one by one, typing “1” is sufficient. In the Output tab, we complete the process by selecting the relevant variable.

Generate Variable

Generate Variable Activity; With this activity, you can generate passwords, numbers and guids in detail as you wish. You can assign different variables for Password, Number and Guid at once. You can create a structure as desired by specifying the number range and password length. Character variety: uppercase characters/letters, lowercase characters/letters, numbers, symbols and ambiguous characters.
  • Number: Sayı seçeneği
  • Number Range: Sayı aralığı
  • Guid Text:
  • Password: Şifre bilgisi
  • Character Size: Karakter uzunluğu
  • İnclude Upper Case: Büyük harfleri dahil etme
  • Include Lower Case: Küçük harfleri dahil etme
  • Include Numbers: Rakamları dahil etme
  • Include Symbols: Sembolleri dahil etme – (!’^+%&/=?_-*$#é)
  • Include Ambiguous Characters: Belirsiz karakterleri dahil etme (()<>|{}[].:,;`)

Get Length

Using the Get Length activity, you can find the total number of characters of any text or variable in the input and transfer it to a variable via output.

Html Table To Collection

Using the Html Table To Collection activity, you can transfer tables in Html format to a variable in collection format and use them in the flow. For example, using the Imap Get Mail Activity, you can transfer a table in html format from the mail into a variable with the Html Table To Collection activity, or you can transfer the html format table you have received using the Get Source Code, Get Attribute activities to a variable in the collection format with the Html Table To Collection activity and use it in the scenario.

Html Text: You can write the table you receive as html in text or variable format.

Trim Cell Value: You can use it to delete any spaces at the beginning or end of the data in the cell.

The data contained in the collection variable must be written in the correct format in order to use it in the activity.

ßVariable| Column Name|0ß

Variable: The name of the collection variable

Column Name: The name of the column from which to import data

0: Row number to import data from

You can use this format if you want to loop down to the bottom rows in the table imported in Collection format.

ßVariable| Column Name|æcountæß

Variable: The name of the collection variable

Column Name: The name of the column from which to import data

count: The variable name of the row number to import data from

Note: You can create an “æ” symbol using AltGr + A.

You can create an “ß” symbol using AltGr + S.

You can create a “|” symbol using the AltGr + Solid line keys.

Increment Variable

The Increment Variable activity is used to increase the number in the specified variable according to the entered value.

We specify the name of the relevant variable in the Input line, and the number of increments in the variable in the Increment Value line. For example, if you want the number in the variable to increase one by one, it is sufficient to write “1”. In the Output tab, we complete the process by selecting the relevant variable.

JSON Add Blue

JSON Delete Blue

JSON Add Value

You can add new Key and Value to your data in JSON format by using the JSON add Value

JSON Delete Value

You can delete your JSON type data with the JSON Delete Value activity.

JSON Deserialize To Collection

You can import your data in JSON format into the Collection variable with the JSON Deserialize To Collection activity.

You must enter your data using square brackets [].

JSON Get Value

You can get the value values in your JSON data into variables with the JSON Get Value Activity.

JSON Serialize From Collection

You can convert your data in the collection to json format with the JSON Serialize From Collection activity.

JSON Set Value

You can change the values of the keys in your json data with the JSON Set Value activity.

JSON and XML Variable Type

Varible JSON Variable

You can keep your values in JSON format in your Variable variable.

Varible XML Variable You can keep your values in XML format in your Variable variable.

New Variable

The New Variable activity is used to define a new variable within the scenario. The name, description and type of the added variable can be changed according to preference.

The values entered in the “Initial Value” field in the variable window are assigned to the variable by default when the scenario is run. The created variable should be written as ßvariable_name in other activities. You can make Beta “ß” sign by pressing AltGr+S keys.

Normalize Text

Using the Normalize Text activity, you can clear the entered value from Turkish characters.

QR Read

Using the QR Read activity, you can perform QR code reading and transfer the value you receive to a variable via output.

QR Write

With the Qr Write activity, you can create a Qr code using bmp, tiff, jpeg, gif, png or wmf formats and save it in any directory.

Note: The Height line represents the height dimension and the Width line represents the width dimension. If left blank, the height is saved as 200 pixels and the width as 100 pixels.


The Replace activity is used to replace the expression in the text string entered in the input line with a different value.

For example, we have a value written as “Trying123” in the input line. To change the test word to Test, you can complete the change process by typing “Trial” in the Replace Text line and “Test” in the Replace Value line and transfer the value you receive to a variable.

Reset Variable

Using the Reset Variable activity, you can convert or reset the data in the variable to its initial values. If you want to write more than one variable in the input line, semicolon (;) must be added between them.

Input Parameters

Input: The name of the variable with which you want to perform an operation.

First Initial: Preserves the initial value of “Initial Value” if true. If false, it resets the initial value.

Search Text And Get Value

Using the Search Text And Get Value Activity, if there is a value you are looking for in any text, you can capture the value between by typing the start and end values and transfer it to a variable.

For example, let’s say we want to get the “Global” value in the “Turkcell Global Bilgi” text written in the input line. When we write “Turkcell” in the Start Text line and “Bilgi” in the End Text line, you will get the “Global” value in the middle.

Set Variable

The Set Variable activity is used to transfer a value or variable that you will write on the input line to a different variable. For example, you can transfer any cell of a table you have received in collection format into a variable using the “Set Variable” activity.

In order to be able to use the data in the Collection variable in the activity, it must be written in the correct format.

ßVariable| Column Name|0ß

Variable: The name of the collection variable

Column Name: The name of the column from which to import data

0: Row number to import data from

You can use this format if you want to loop down to the bottom rows in the table imported in Collection format.

ßVariable| Column Name|æcountæß

Variable: The name of the collection variable

Column Name: The name of the column from which to import data

count: The variable name of the row number to import data from

Note: You can create an “æ” symbol using AltGr + A.

You can create an “ß” symbol using AltGr + S.

You can create a “|” symbol using the AltGr + Solid line keys.

In addition, using the Set Variable activity, you can get the system date and time by typing the correct strings and use this information in the flow.

Finding the last day of the month

new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1).ToString(“dd.MM.yyyy”)

Finding the first day of the month

new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1).AddMonths(1).ToString(“dd.MM.yyyy”)

Find out what week of year in which we are in

(DateTime.Now.DayOfYear / 7) + 1

Adding 5 minutes to the system clock

DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5).ToString(“dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss”)

Changing the date format

Convert.ToDateTime(“24 jan 2021”).ToString(“yyyy-MM-dd”)

Note: If errors are received in the formats used, you can try to delete the quotes and write them again.

Split Text And Set Count

The Split Text And Set Count activity divides the value or variable written in the input line with the help of a separator and gives the numerical equivalent of the divided text.

For example, we have a text that says “Turkcell,Global,Bilgi” in the input line. When we write a comma “,” in the separator line, the activity splits the text and shows how many parts this text is divided into on the output.

Split Text And Set Value By Index

The Split Text And Set Value By Index activity allows you to get the value you want by dividing the value or variable written on the input line with the help of a separator.

For example, we have a text that says “Turkcell/Global/Bilgi” in the input line. If we want to extract the word “Turkcell” from this text, we write “/” in the Separator line and “0” in the index line. The activity divides the text after the operation and takes the index value you want and saves it to the variable. The values written in the index line start from zero and continue increasing from left to right.

If the text you want to split goes down to the bottom lines and you want to get the text on the second line, just type “\n” in the Separator line and “1” in the index line.

\n = New Line
\r = Carriage return


Using the substring activity, you can transfer the desired part or parts of a text written in the Input line or taken from the variable to the variable using the start index and length lines.

For example, we have a text that says “Turkcell Global Bilgi” in the input line. If we want to get the “Global Bilgi” value from this text, “9” should be written in the Start Index line and “12” should be written in the Length line.

If you know the value to write in the Start Index line, but you do not know the value to write in the Length line, it will be sufficient to leave the Length line blank. The activity will take the remainder starting from the value written in the Start Index line and save it to the variable.

Text To Lower

Using the Text To Lower activity, you can convert the entered value to all lowercase letters.

Text To Slug

The Text To Slug activity clears special characters from the entered text and adds a hyphen (-) if there are spaces between words.

Text To Upper

The Text To Upper activity converts the entered value to all uppercase letters.


Using the trim activity, you can delete leading and trailing spaces from a specified value and transfer it to a different variable.

XML Deserialize To Collection

You can assign your XML type data to a collection type variable.

XML Get Element

You can transfer the elements in your xml data to the variable with the Xml Get Element activity.

XML Get Value

You can transfer the values in your data to the variable with the Xml Get Value activity.

XML Serialize From Collection

You can print your data in the collection in xml format.

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