Cyber Ark Get Response
Using the Cyber Ark Get Response activity, you can get your passwords on CyberArk and use them in the scenario.
Input Parameters:
URL: Represents the shared base URL for CyberArk.
Example, (
App ID: The name of the application.
Example, (gbRPA)
Safe: The Vault Name.
Example, (DB accounts)
Key: The information to be received.
Example, (oracle1-reportUser)
Output Parameters:
Contents: Represents the value of the information requested.
Address: Represents the db extension on CyberArk.
Example, (oracle1.lab.local)
User Name: The user name.
Example, (reportUser)
Result: This is the area to look for in case of an error in the request. You can see the error detail content as Output.

FTP Or SFTP Change Folder
The FTP Or SFTP Change Folder activity allows to change the default directory for file transfer using FTP and SFTP protocols.

FTP Or SFTP Connect
Using FTP Or SFTP Connect activity, you can establish an FTP or SFTP connection.
Hostname: FTP or SFTP address.
Port: FTP or SFTP port information.
Username: Username.
Password: User Password.
Is Sftp: Marked “False” in FTP and “True” in SFTP.
Is Secure: Must marked “True” to ensure secure connections such as FTPs or SFTPs.

FTP Or SFTP Create Folder
The FTP Or SFTP Create Folder activity enables to create folder in default directory using FTP and SFTP protocols.

FTP Or SFTP Delete Files
The FTP Or SFTP Delete Files activity allows to delete file in default directory using FTP and SFTP protocols.

FTP Or SFTP Delete Folder
The FTP Or SFTP Delete Folder activity allows to delete folder in default directory using FTP and SFTP protocols.

FTP Or SFTP Disconnect
The FTP Or SFTP Disconnect activity ensures FTP or SFTP disconnection.

FTP Or SFTP Download Files
The FTP Or SFTP Download Files activity enables downloading files using FTP and SFTP protocols.

FTP Or SFTP Download Folder
The FTP Or SFTP Download Folder activity enables downloading folders using FTP and SFTP protocols.

FTP Or SFTP Folder Info Get
Using the FTP Or SFTP Folder Info Get activity, you can transfer all file information in FTP or SFTP to the variable.

FTP Or SFTP Rename File
Using the FTP Or SFTP Rename File activity, you can change the file name via the protocol you are connecting to.

FTP Or SFTP Upload Files
Using the FTP Or SFTP Upload Files activity, you can upload files over the protocol you are connected to.

FTP Or SFTP Upload Folder
Using the FTP Or SFTP Upload Folder activity, you can upload folders over the protocol you are connected to.

Ping Send?
Using the Ping Send activity, you can ping the server you want to access. If the ping operation is successful, “True” parameters are executed, if not, “False” parameters are executed.

Serial Port Get Data
Using the Serial Port Get Data activity, you can communicate with all integrated systems. In this way, you can instantly and dynamically receive data from all devices and use this data wherever you want.

Port Name: The name of the port to be communicated is entered. All ports can be specified. Examples include connection names that are connected in series, such as “COM1”, “COM5”.
Baud Rate: It is the parameter where we determine the data communication speed during communication with the RPA system. This feature may vary from system to system. It represents the number of bits sent per second. It is 9600 by default.
Read Timeout: It is the parameter that we specify in milliseconds if we want to wait for a response through the integrated system using the port. For example, if there is no answer within 5 seconds, we can enter it as “5000” to give an error. By default, it is 500 milliseconds.
Data Bits: It is the parameter where we specify how many bits the information we are going to send consists of. By default, it takes the value of 8 bits.
Stop Bits: It is the parameter where we specify how many bits the stop bit will be. Gets the values One, Two, OnePointFive. By default, it contains the value One.
Parity: Used to check the accuracy of the received data. It is referred to as a parity bit. It can take None, Odd, Even, Mark, Space. The default value is None.
Discard In Buffer: The parameter used to clear the buffer of the port. It is the parameter that should be used in systems where data is exchanged very frequently. The default value is false.
SOAP Request
The SOAP Request activity sends request parameters to SOAP services, allowing the response parameters to be called. You can edit the parameters as follows and transfer the returned response parameters to the variables.

SSH Connect
Using the SSH Connect activity, you can make an SSH connection.

SSH Disconnect
Using the SSH Disconnect activity, you can disconnect your SSH connection.

SSH Is Authenticated?
The SSH is Authenticated activity allows commands to be run after SSH connection is made.

SSH Is Connected?
The SSH Is Connected activity checks if the SSH connection is made.

SSH Run Command
Using the SSH Run Command activity, you can make an SSH connection and run commands.

SSH Run Shell Command
The SSH Run Shell Command activity ensures the commands to run sequentially by making an SSH connection.

TELNET Connect
The TELNET Connect activity is used to establish a connection over TELNET.

TELNET Disconnect
The TELNET Disconnect activity is used to terminate the TELNET connection.

TELNET Is Connected?
The TELNET Is Connected activity checks if the TELNET connection is made.

TELNET Run Command
The TELNET Run Command activity is used to run commands after connection with TELNET.

Web Request
The Web Request activity allows response parameters to be invoked by sending request parameters to web services. You can edit the parameters as follows and export the returned response parameters to variables. Also, if you want to attach files using this activity, you can use the File Path, File Path Choose, and File Parameter Names parameters.
File Path: The parameter to which the full file path is added for one or more files to be added to the request. Multiple files can be added using semicolon (;).
File Path Choose: This is the parameter that will be used to make multiple selections instead of the File Path parameter.
File Parameter Names: It is the field where the parameter name of each file to be added is entered.
Note: When specifying more than one parameter name, it must be specified in the order added to the File Path and separated by semicolons.