Global Bilgi RPA (EN)




Create List

Using the Create List activity, you can create simple lists in Microsoft’s SharePoint.

Site URL: The SharePoint address.

List Title: The title of the list to be created.

Create List Item

Using the Create List Item activity, you can add an element to a created list.

Site URL: The SharePoint address.

List Title: The title of the list to which the item will be added.

Item Title: The name of the item to add.

File Path: The file directory if the item contains an attachment.

File Path Choose: To select the file directory from the menu.

Owerwrite: “True” or “False” if the item exists and is intended to be overwritten

Update List Item

The Update List Item activity is used to update an item in a list.

Site URL: The SharePoint address.

List Title: The title of the list to which the item will be added.

Item ID: The ID of the item to update.

Column Name: The name of the field within the element.

Column Value: The value of the field to update.

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