Bulk Insert
With the Bulk Insert activity, you can perform Collection type variables or file insertion operations in FCMS, NODS, CDRDM and BSCS databases.
For example, you can read an excel file and add the collection type variable that you print out to a table in the database.
Database Check
You can check the database accessibility related to the Database Check activity. In the Database Type line, you need to write the database type, and in the Connection String line, the statement containing the database information you want to connect to.
Oracle Connection String:
- Password Login
Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=***********)(PORT=****)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=******)));User Id =SUP_GLB******;Password=*******;
HOST: Host name (For example:
PORT: Port name (For example: 1234)
SID: Name of the server to be connected (For example: TRIAL)
User Id: Username used in Oracle DB connection (For example: SUP_GLB******)
Password: Password used in Oracle DB connection (For example: 1234567)
Note: While creating Oracle DB connection string, HOST, PORT, SID, User Id and Password fields differ according to the user.
Mssql Connection String:
- Password Login
data source=********;persist security info=False;initial catalog=*****;uid=***********;pwd=**********;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;
data source: The name of the server to be connected (For example: CLMC2\TRIAL)
initial catalog: The name of the database to be connected (For example: Trial2)
uid: Username used in Mssql DB connection (For example: GLB******)
pwd: Password used in Mssql DB connection (For example: 1234567)
- Login without password (Windows Authentication)
data source=*********;initial catalog=*******;Persist Security Info=True;trusted_connection=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;
data source: The name of the server to connect to (For example: CLMC2\TRIAL)
initial catalog: The name of the database to be connected (For example: Trial2)
Note: Data source, initial catalog, uid and pwd fields differ according to the user when creating the Mssql DB connection string.
By typing “odbc” in the Database Type line of the Database activity, you can perform the desired operations with the name of the relevant ODBC Dsn.
For example:
data source=Trial\ABC;persist security info=False;initial catalog=TrialDatabase;uid=ßkullaniciAdiß;pwd=ßsifreß;Integrated Security=true;
Using the Delete activity, you can delete the existing data in the database.
Using the DELETE command: DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition
For example, DELETE From [dbo].[TrialPersonnel] Where Ad=’A’
Using the Insert activity, you can enter data into tables defined on the database.
Use of the INSERT command: INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, …) VALUES (value1, value2, value3, …)
For example, INSERT INTO TrialPersonnel (Name, Family Name, No, Location) VALUES (A,B,1310,Ankara)
Run Query
Using the Run Query activity, you can run any query on the database.
For example, creating a table in the database.
CREATE TABLE TrialPersonnel(Name nvarchar(255),Family Name nvarchar(255),No nvarchar(255),Location nvarchar(255));
The Select activity allows you to extract data from the database and get a collection type output.
Using the SELECT command: SELECT (column1, column2, …) FROM table_name
For example, SELECT [Name],[Family Name],[No],[Location] FROM [dbo].[TrialPersonnel] with (nolock)
Using the Update activity, you can change and update the data in the database.
Using the UPDATE command: UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, … WHERE condition;
For example, UPDATE [dbo].[TrialPersonnel] SET No =’1088′ WHERE Name = ‘A’