Global Bilgi RPA (EN)




Captcha Get Value

Using the Captcha Get Value activity, you can analyze the complex characters seen on the created image to provide human and computer distinction.

Input Parameters

Image Path Text: Image File path

Image Path: Image File Selection

Api Key: The user must enter the key value provided by the 2Captcha Api service as shown in the figure.

Response Millisecond: 2Captcha service states that there may be delays in the realization of the desired service in captcha solutions. If the service does not return an instant value, it gives a response with a delay of 8 seconds (8000) specified as standard. In this input, the user must write (1000) for 1 second in ms. If the user leaves the response millisecond input blank and enters a value below 8 seconds (8000), the response time will be 8 seconds by default. If the user enters for more than 8 seconds (8000), the time entered by the user will be valid as the response time.

Note: Membership must be obtained at the website: After the membership is obtained, a credit is obtained in the credit section. The API key given on the page opened with membership is used in the activity.

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